Apr 7, 2005

New Iraqi President Sworn In;

New Iraqi President Sworn In; Jaafari Is Named Prime Minister
Read more here

Inmate found with assistant warden's wife says he's 'hostage-taker'
Read more here


Rosemary Welch said...

I am very happy for Iraqis, also. They are slowly getting on their own feet. It is wonderful. They did as you did, defied the terrorists and voted for their own choice. This is remarkable. Thank God for freedom.

Thank you for your kind words. I will link you in my Iraq and Afghanistan bloggers section. You do have a very nice blog. Where did you learn English? It is very good! Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Hello from Canada on the shore overlooking Lake Ontario! Still have some winter here but signs of Spring are everywhere so it won't be long now. Iraq and Afghanistan are doing well, but Afghanistan is particularly encouraging because they don't get the publicity that Iraq is getting, yet they are forging ahead with their country's version of democracy and though things don't change overnight, they ARE changing--for the better. Can you imagine the Taliban putting up with bloggers? NOT! Even Canada had a bloody revolution when she first got free of the French and English. We retained ties with those countries but we wanted our own Constitution and to rule ourselves. That was in 1867. Because freedom is so precious, there'll always be people who want to suppress it and we have to stand up to them and defend our rights. Good for Iraq and Good for Afghanistan! Bravo!

Nasim Fekrat said...

Roemary thank,
where did i learn english? I red books.

jj mollo said...

Your links for these two articles are broken. The "http://" prefix is duplicated.

Your blog has a nice look. I especially enjoyed the description of your national sport.

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