Mar 28, 2005

Media develops in southern Afghanistan

For the first time in the history of southern Afghanistan Paktika province a magazine call "Paktika" was published on 21st of March.
The people of Paktika province, one of the less developed provinces of Afghanistan where people have no access to any median outlets including TV and Radio, have welecomed the magazine.

Unfotunately within three four years Karzai's goverment there is less developments to media in remote area and no one is seeking to help those people.

This believe this kind of movements in provinces give more information of live and health to the poeple who do not have access to any media communication.

Mar 22, 2005

Afghanistan and Pakistan ties

Recently Hamid Karzai Afghanistan President had a visit from Pakistan. The day when Karzai reached in Pakistan was a Pakistan-Day.
This visit was happen on Tuesday. Hamid Karzai and his counterpart General Pervez Musharraf tried to forge a broad-based relationship with a trust on invigorating trade and economic ties and expressed the common commitment to set-up their coordination in the fight against terror.

President Hamid Karzain and his counterpart Gerneral Pervez Musharraf told the to media after formal talks that they remain firmly committed to rooting out terrorism for sustainable development, peace and stability in the region.

There was also another news which some afghans whom were passing long term in Lahore prison, they released in Karzai’s visit to Islamabad.

I hope this bilateral ties move the two country for a better tomorrow.

Jan 1, 2005

Why this blog?

I would like to open a window to the world in which I can offer a different perspective from Afghanistan, something that mainstream media don’t cover. I have been blogging in Farsi for the past few years but I never maintained it well.

Anyhow, this blog is created to voice some ideas and spur demands for discussions. This is also a platform where I can alleviate some inner feeling of anxiety about everyday life.
I opened this window for discussion and for blogging on social and political lives of people in my country. If you are interested in looking at Afghanistan from a different perspective and non-biased, then here is the place. I must rebel against this kind of thought, it’s too presumptuous to claim that I’m not biased, I’m actually biased but in a different way. Everyone of us is biased in someway or the other.